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[双语时讯]全球幸福指数排名 越南第二中国60
[匿名](2014/11/23 19:04:35)  点击:202278  回复:0  

We all dream of living a long, happy life - often in a warmer, more relaxing climate than we are currently based.

But where are the happiest places in the world?

A new map of 151 countries has revealed exactly which parts of the globe deliver long and happy lives for their citizens, within the environmental limits of the planet.

The map was compiled by the relocation website Movehub, using data from the latest Happy Planet Index (HPI) - a global measure of sustainable wellbeing.

The map of HPI

The HPI claims it 'measures what matters', rather than wealth: the extent to which countries deliver long, happy, sustainable lives for the people that live in them.

The happiest nations

And the results may surprise you, with Costa Rica, Colombia and Vietnam topping the league. The UK features at position 44 - higher than Germany (47), Spain (62), Canada (65), Australia (76) and the US (105).

The happiness of other nations

The HPI (Happy Planet Index) puts at the heart the idea that happiness is not necessarily about wealth, but living long lives with a high experience of well-being. The idea is that if a country had to be completely self-sufficient, most of the developed world would be unable to do that (without losing a lot of its population first).The reason for some high-income nations to score significantly below other nations is the ecological footprint left on the planet.

HPI of Europe

Each of the three component measures – life expectancy, the level of well-being experienced and ecological footprint – is given a traffic-light score based on thresholds for good (green), middling (amber) and bad (red) performance.

HPI of Asia and the Middle East

The map also doesn't take into account internal inequality measures and human rights issues which is why some countries like Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia feature so highly.

HPI of South Africa

South America has several countries where residents are happy, the report claims. Four of the top five happiest places are here - with Costa Rica coming top, followed by Colombia (third), Belize (fourth) and El Salvador (fifth).
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