[英语演讲]扎克伯格清华访谈变演讲狂秀中文[匿名](2014/11/9 19:33:05) 点击:
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0 Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格10月22日在清华经管学院接受访问,半小时与主持人对话全场秀中文,惊呆小伙伴。全场掌声和欢笑不断~ 扎克伯格还提及Facebook已有140多名清华校友,并又刚刚招聘了20名中国学生,明年还将吸纳更多中国学子。
Why he learned Chinese
"The first reason is my wife 「Priscilla Chan」 is Chinese. Her family speaks Chinese, and her grandmother only speaks Chinese," Zuckerberg said. "When Priscilla and I decided to get married, I told her grandmother using Chinese. She was really shocked."
His plans for his visit to China
"I think the students at Tsinghua University are very good. Facebook has over 140 alumni from Tsinghua," he said, adding. "Every year we come to China to hire from the best cities. Last month, we hired 20 Chinese students."
Advice for Chinese students wanting to create a startup
"The best companies are created not just because an innovator wanted to create a company. It's because the innovator wanted to change the world," Zuckerberg said.
Zuckerberg's problems listening
Asked if his Chinese was better than that of his wife Priscilla, Zuckerberg said his listening skills were particularly poor. "My listening is very weak. One day, I asked her why is my listening in Chinese so bad. She told me, 'Your listening in English is also bad.'"