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【首页】→ 【学习交流】→ 主题:[双语时讯]APEC会议背后的大学生们
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[匿名](2014/8/31 16:19:23)  点击:205345  回复:0  
Words like “thanks” and “please” have become pet phrases for Na Yuegang. As one of the volunteers at this year’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, he assists more than 100 international delegates all from the information desk of Beijing Hotel.

But Na Yuegang is not alone. More than 600 volunteers from 13 universities in Beijing contribute to the APEC meeting, according to Beijing Daily.

Students take advantage of opportunities to put their skills and interests to work at the forum, and in return they gain valuable work experience and connections.

Language expert

Na Yuegang is an international politics major at Beijing Language and Culture University, and he’s a language enthusiast. In addition to English, he speaks both Thai and Cantonese. He uses his talents to help determine where delegates are from based on their accents.

He even gets to use his language skills to communicate with staffers. When he meets delegates from Thailand and Hong Kong, he greets them in their native tongue. “It helps them feel more at home,” he said.

Through communicating with delegates, he’s developed a deeper understanding of his college major. “Although we learn about APEC meetings in our textbooks, we never really know what a meeting is like,” he says. “Here, I learn the meeting’s agenda, how the delegates work, and get a feel for the atmosphere of this international event.”

In the future, he plans to earn a master’s degree in international politics. “This experience has made me more curious about the relationship between China and other nations,” he says “I want to study these relationships, if possible target=_blank class=infotextkey>possible.”

Spreading culture

Exactly how delegates work during the APEC forum remains a mystery to most students. For Zuo Meng, 21, an international economics and trade student from the University of International Relations, the job is a chance to witness the forum firsthand.

She volunteers in the APEC Secretariat helping delegates solve all sorts of logistical problems that arise during work, bridging communication between delegates and other staffers whose English isn’t quite perfect.

The hardworking nature of the delegates and the forum’s friendly atmosphere has impressed her most. At 7 am, when she arrives in the office, the Secretary-General is already hard at work.

“Based on the meeting recordings and transcripts, it seems that(核对一下英文原文) he’s always very careful in his work,” she says.

“I respect their professionalism and optimistic outlook on life, and I plan to take what I’ve learned from them into the future,” she says.

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