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【首页】→ 【学习交流】→ 主题:[双语时讯]20万年薪陪熊猫 中国最有趣工作新鲜出炉
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[双语时讯]20万年薪陪熊猫 中国最有趣工作新鲜出炉
[匿名](2014/6/3 7:37:09)  点击:210415  回复:0  
If you are willing to come to southwest China's Ya'an to look after pandas for a year at the Bifengxia Base of China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center, the most fun job in China is awaiting you with an annual pay of 200,000 yuan (32,576 U.S.dollars), an SUV for transport for a year, and free working meals and accommodations.

The recruitment process in Beijing officially started on Saturday, with one of the organizers, club.sohu.com, calling the job as a "Chinese version of island caretaker of the Great Barrier Reef."

"Many people at our center do the same job, but the salary was never that high," said Heng Yi, a publicity official at the center. But he thinks the recruitment is necessary.

"We want more people to pay attention to giant pandas' protection work and participate," said Heng. So far, most people know that giant pandas are China's national treasures but they do not know how to protect them.
衡毅说:“我们希望通过招募让更多人关注大熊猫保护事业,并参与其中。” 尽管大熊猫是人尽皆知的国宝,但大熊猫的保护工作对不少人来说还很陌生。

Current volunteers at the center are mostly from Japan, Europe and the U.S., according to Heng.

Ye Mingxin, a market manager from a Ford company in China, said he did not think the job was easy.

"You need perseverance for this job. The applicants will be mainly white-collars from the big cities of China, we expect. They can eat whatever they want usually, but inside the giant panda base, the choices will not be many," Ye said.

People can apply for the job at http://fun.sohu.com. Activities will also be held in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Guangzhou for candidates selection. The activities will last until July 15.

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