[轻松英语]没女朋友因为“好人综合症”?[匿名](2014/4/30 6:59:41) 点击:
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0 不少女孩子身边都会有一个随叫随到的男性好朋友,失恋的时候、没钱吃饭的时候、逛街没人帮着拎东西的时候,这位男性好友就会派上用场。可他从来都不会成为这个女孩子的恋爱对象,只是因为他对她太好了。
Nice guy syndrome basically describes a guy who will listen to his female friend's every complaint, rant, problem, and experience in life; will help them out no matter to the cost to them; would die for their friends without even thinking; but can never get a girlfriend.
All their female friends will continue to go out with mindless, stupid men who treat them badly, and hurt them over and over again, never even considering the nice guy, because he is “such a good friend”.