【中英文】土耳其文化算不算欧洲文化?[匿名](2024/8/29 14:09:18) 点击:
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0 Is Turkish Culture European Culture?
获得19.7k阅读量180好评的回答@ Natalie :
What is European? Greek? German? Swedish?
Turkish culture is turkic culture with a lot of influences from other Middle Eastern/Anatolian cultures (i.e. Armenia, Anatolian Greeks, Kurds, etc) and European.
Turkish culture shares a lot with Greek, but essentially nothing with say, German.
Turkey has been in the crossroads of Europe and Asia and a large center for many cultures.
Even each region in Turkey has a distinct tradition from another. Western Turkey is more similar to Greece and Balkans while Eastern Turkey is more similar to Kurdish and Armenian (of course with many Turkic elements as the origins are from Central Asia).
Final Conclusion: No, it is not European but rather a blend of Anatolian, Central Asian (Turkic), and European (mostly Greece and Balkan countries) cultures.