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【中英文】单词 essential 的四个用法
[匿名](2022/12/20 12:56:39)  点击:47911  回复:0  
形容词 “essential” 既可以表示 “必要的,不可或缺的”,也可以表示 “本质的,根本的”。此外,“essential” 还可作名词,常以复数形式 “essentials” 出现,表示 “必需品” 或 “要素,要点”。本期节目用一分钟时间讲解 “essential” 的四个用法。


1. “Essential” 作形容词用,可以表示 “必要的,不可或缺的”。
We can't live without water. It's essential.
Previous work experience is essential if you'd like to apply for this job.

2. 形容词 “essential” 也可以表示 “本质的,根本的,(人或事物最重要的)基本特征”。
It's a beautiful old house. We don't want to change its essential character.
This company has failed due to its essential misconception about the global market.

3. “Essential” 可作可数名词用,表示 “必需品,不可缺少的东西”,常以复数形式 “essentials” 出现。
When we go camping, we only take a few essentials with us.
They are calling for donations of winter essentials like blankets and warm clothing.

4. 可数名词 “essential” 还可以表示 “要素,要点”。在表达这个意思时通常用其复数形式 “essentials”,并在前面加 “the”, 后面跟 “of”,即 “the essentials of”.
Make sure you understand all the essentials of a valid contract before signing one.
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