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[匿名](2022/6/10 14:53:47)  点击:67990  回复:0  
Bai Jialing remembers most of the classic lines from Rhino in Love, a hit play from director Meng Jinghui. But for the fourth time this year, the 24-year-old Beijing-based violin mentor went to the theater to take in the play’s familiar love story and “experience the unique appeal of the stagecraft”.


“Every time I sit there and watch the actors perform the same story, I see something new,” said Bai.


With living standards and cultural tastes steadily rising alongside China’s economic prowess, many like Bai are pursuing opportunities to witness refined theatrical presentations.


According to the Beijing Trade Association for Performances, in 2013, over 10 million people went into theaters in the country’s capital to see its 23,155 stage performances. Total box office revenues exceeded 1.44 billion yuan.


According to Sun Jianqiu, an English professor at the University of International Business and Economics who is a veteran researcher of European and US theater, the appeal of stagecraft is that it is different from mass produced entertainment like television and film. Theater affords audiences the chance to see performance art, rehearsed and improvised, unfold in real time.


“Every performance is a brand-new effort to drive stage art to perfection,” said Sun. “In an era of mass production, even in the arts, ‘hand-made’ stagecraft sends a more humane message that resonates with viewers.”


To the delight of theater fans, from early November to the end of December, Beijing will host the sixth Theater Olympics, an international event promoting the development of theater arts.


Top thespians from across the world will perform about 45 plays, 30 with foreign origins and 15 written in China.

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