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【首页】→ 【学习交流】→ 主题:【中英文】你喜欢的音乐类型可以反映你的性格和智商
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[匿名](2022/5/30 16:10:10)  点击:68265  回复:0  
Whether you prefer sophisticated or simple music could reveal a lot about your personality.


If you like simple acoustic tunes, you are likely to be talkative and energetic, and if you're an opera lover then you're probably insightful and imaginative.


That's according to two major studies conducted by psychologists from Cambridge University that have revealed the relationship between music and personality.


In online studies, more than 20,000 participants were presented with 25 unfamiliar musical extracts over different genres.


They also filled in surveys to assess their personality type - including openness, extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism and conscientiousness.


The team, led by Dr Jason Rentfrow, at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge found two main trends.


According to the study 'open' personalities liked 'sophisticated' music over tunes that were mellow.


This may be because people who score highly for openness like to learn new things.


Extroverts preferred 'unpretentious' music categorised that were relaxing and acoustic.


The study also found agreeable people tended to give all the music clips higher scores, while neurotics marked more harshly, according to the Telegraph.


David Greenberg, a psychologist at the University of Cambridge, said those who have a well-developed ability to understand thoughts and feelings in themselves and others, so-called 'empathisers', prefer mellow music that evokes deep emotion.


People who can identify patterns and systems, known as 'systemisers', prefer intense music that forms complex sounds.


The theory, he explained, is that empathisers are interested in music's emotional qualities and how it makes them feel, whereas systemisers are more intrigued by its structural qualities.


The researchers found that people who prefer reflective and complex music like blues, classical and jazz score highly on openness to experience, and see themselves as politically liberal, intelligent and not very athletic.


Those who preferred heavy metal and alternative music were similar to jazz-lovers, but more likely to think of themselves as athletic.


They found that fans of upbeat music like country, pop and soundtracks, on the other hand, tended to have low scores for openness to experience and intelligence.


They were more likely to be agreeable, extroverted and conscientious and see themselves as attractive, wealthy, athletic and politically conservative.


Finally, people who prefer energetic and rhythmic music were also extroverted, agreeable, attractive and athletic, but they did not share the political inclination, wealth or lower intelligence scores as lovers of upbeat music.

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