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【首页】→ 【大学申请⊕咨询】→ 主题:2022年秋季申请,有哪些热门大学/专业需缴纳申请费?
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Imperial College London 帝国理工学院


University College London 伦敦大学学院

UCL伦敦大学学院foundation申请费£125 ; pre-master申请费£75;硕士申请费一般是£90

The University of Edinburgh 爱丁堡大学


• MSc Accounting & Finance

• MSc Banking & Risk

• MSc Business Analytics

• MSc Entrepreneurship & Innovation

• MSc Finance

• MSc Human Resource Management

• MSc International Human Resource Management

• MSc Management

• MSc Marketing

• MSc Marketing & Business Analysis

The University of Manchester 曼彻斯特大学

Manchester曼彻斯特大学需交申请费的专业新增一个专业:MSc Business Analytics: Operational Research and Risk Analysis,申请多个专业支付一份申请费即可。




• MSc Accounting

• MSc Accounting and Finance

• MSc Business Analytics: Operational Research and Risk Analysis

• MSc Finance

• MSc International Business and Management

• MSc Marketing

• MSc Management

King's College London 伦敦国王学院

KCL伦敦国王学院绝大多数授课型硕士专业需要缴纳申请费,不同专业有差异, 以官网为准。

University of Warwick 华威大学


University of Bristol 布里斯托大学


❶ 今年,申请School of Accounting and Finance,School of Economics,以及School of Management下设研究生课程的申请人将需要缴纳£60的申请费;

❷ 申请费以申请人为单位,同一申请人申请多个专业时,无需重复缴纳申请费;

❸ 如果免缴理由不适用于该生,在申请表提交时,系统将直接引导至缴费页面;

❹ 在缴费完成前,相应申请将不予受理;

❺ 如出现个别学生缴费无法及时被学校系统接收,布大有关部门需要两个工作日进行调查结算,在此期间,请耐心等待。如果确定第一次缴费已经成功,同一位学生请勿多次缴费。


University of Glasgow 格拉斯哥大学

Glasgow格拉斯哥大学的Adam Smith Business School亚当斯密商学院授课型硕士专业,需要提交£25的申请费,递交MBA则需要£50的申请费。

University of Southampton 南安普顿大学

Southampton南安普顿大学所有的POSTGRADUTE TAUGHT项目(如MA, MSc)均收取£50申请费。


Durham University 杜伦大学


University of Birmingham 伯明翰大学

Birmingham 伯明翰大学以下专业需要缴纳£50


College of Mechanical Engineering

• MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering (full time)

School of Biosciences

• MSc Molecular Biotechnology (full time)

Institute of Cancer and Genomic Sciences

• MSc and PGDip Clinical Oncology (full time only)

Institute of Applied Health Sciences

• MPH: Masters in Public Health (full time)

Business School

• MSc Human Resource Management (full time)

• Human Resource Management with CIPD Pathways

• MSc Money; Banking and Finance (full time)

• Money; Banking and Finance with Integrated Pre-Masters

• MSc International Money and Banking (full time)

• International Money and Banking with Integrated Pre-Masters

• MSc International Accounting and Finance (pathway 1) full time

• International Accounting and Finance (pathways 2 and 3)

• MSc Financial Economics (full time)

• MSc Financial Management (full time)

• MSc Financial Technology (full time)

• MSc Investments (full time)

• MSc Economics (full time)

• Economics with Integrated Pre-Masters

• MSc Development Economics (full time)

• Development Economics with Integrated Pre-Masters

• MSc Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (full time)

• Environmental and Natural Resource Economics with Integrated Pre-Masters

• MSc International Economics (full time)

• International Economics with Integrated Pre-Masters

• MSc International Business (full time)

• International Business - 24 months

• MSc Management (full time)

• MSc Management: Entrepreneurship and Innovation (full time)

• MSc Management: Operations (full time)

• MSc Management: Organisational Leadership and Change (full time)

• MSc Management: Strategy (full time)

• MSc Marketing (full time)

• MSc International Marketing (full time)

• International Marketing 24m

• MSc Marketing Communications (full time)

• MSc Strategic Marketing and Consulting (full time)

University of Nottingham 诺丁汉大学

Nottingham 诺丁汉大学硕士(除部分教育相关专业外)需要缴纳£40申请费。

Newcastle University



• International Business Management

• International Marketing

• Arts, Business and Creativity

• Management and Business Studies (research)

• MSc Digital Business

• MSc Digital Business(e-Marketing)

• MSc E-Business (Info Systems)

• MSc Global HRM

• MSc Innov'n, Creativity & Entrepren'ship

• Finance and Economics (Research)

• MSc Advanced Int Bus Manag

• MSc Ops & Supply Chain Mgmt (Dual award)

• MA Media & Journalism

• MA Media & Public Relations

• MA International Multimedia Journalism

• MSc Banking & Finance

• MSc International Economics and Finance

• MSc Finance

• MSc Quantitative Finance and Risk Management

• MSc Accounting, Finance and Strategic Investment

• MSc International Financial Analysis

• MSc International Financial Analysis

• MSc Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management

University of Bath 巴斯大学

Bath巴斯大学以下院校所设专业需要递交申请费,一般是£60,但MA Interpreting & Translating和MA Translation with Business Interpreting (Chinese)需要£50,而MBA需要£100申请费。

University of Liverpool 利物浦大学

Liverpool 利物浦大学管理学院、计算机学院需在申请前通过微信小程序预审理并缴纳£25申请费。
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