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【首页】→ 【学习交流】→ 主题:【中英文】科学家揭示人们对糖的8个误解
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[匿名](2021/7/14 11:46:02)  点击:80633  回复:0  
While eating too much sugar is directly associated with obesity and a host of heart and liver-related problems, there are plenty of myths out there with a host of misinformation that oftentimes makes eating even moderate amounts of sugar sound worse than it is. After all, we do need sugar to live.

"We all need sugar — it's the basic building block of what runs our bodies, and, in fact, it's necessary," Dr. Jennifer Haythe, a cardiologist at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York said.

Keep scrolling to discover the truth behind some of the most common myths about sugar.

MYTH: Some types of sugar are better for you than others

FACT: All "types" of sugar have the same effect on your body.

"There’s this idea that there are different types of sugar, but that’s a myth," Dr. Haythe said. "Brown sugar, white sugar, honey... they are all ultimately broken down into the same thing: glucose. All forms of sugar are carbohydrates that can be used as glucose."
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