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J'Adore Dior迪奥真我香水2012商业广告:如诗一般的广告词中英对照
[匿名](2021/6/9 11:35:17)  点击:80798  回复:0  


If it's out there,只要存在,

Dior will find it.迪奥就将找到它。

The most desired secret ever.最令人渴望的秘密。

Born in the sun, water, air, fire, and earth.蕴于阳光,流水,空气,火焰和泥土。

Through the rarest flower gardens,穿过珍稀花卉盛开的花园,

beyond the deepest seas,超越海洋的最深处,

to the edge of the world.直到海角天涯。

Where fragility finds her strength,纤弱获得力量,

and the material becomes the ethereal花瓣生成芬芳,falling like a

drop of gold into your waiting hand.如同一抹灿烂的流金滴落你渴望的双手,

Perfectly formed,浑若天成,

perfectly free.尽情释放。

You don't discover this essence,无需刻意追求,

it discovers you.它自会寻你而来。

J'Adore Dior!迪奥真我香水!
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