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【首页】→ 【学习交流】→ 主题:【中英文】大学独立日:我们独自去报到
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[匿名](2021/2/4 20:05:21)  点击:82908  回复:0  
A college freshman chats and chuckles on his cell phone. Behind him are his proud parents, loaded down with his luggage. "Helicopter parents" are seen every year in newspapers and on television on college enrollment day.


This year, however, more freshmen are choosing to prove their *self-reliance as grown-ups from their very first day as college students. They travel far away to their new schools, and are determined to settle in on their own.


21st Century reporter Xu Jingxi and campus correspondents Chen Yang and Yang Jiayi interviewed three college freshmen about their experiences.

Tian Chuan, 19, electronic information engineering student, Harbin Engineering University


This freshman had always done what his parents wanted him to do before he went to college. He took the extracurricular lessons his parents chose. He applied to the secondary school they recommended.


But now he is eager to escape from his parents' protection. Tian's mother asked him to go to a local university in their hometown of Fujian province. But Tian has chosen one in Harbin, Heilongjiang.http://www.24en.com 爱思英语网


He is determined to manage everything on his own. "I would look as if I were still a little child if my parents accompanied me to the university and sorted everything out for me," he explained. "As a grown-up man, I would feel ashamed."


On enrolling day, Tian dragged two big suitcases of luggage. He sweated in long lines and stressed about what he would need to buy on his first shopping trip.

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