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[匿名](2020/9/7 1:07:00)  点击:79622  回复:0  
If you think of some of the objects sent into space, the aliens they eventually reach may have a strange picture of what to expect from man. There is even a sound recording of the rain (presumably in case aliens ever visit Britain and want to know what to expect).
1. The song Across the Universe by The Beatles
1. 披头士的《穿越苍穹》。
2. Lego mini-figurines of Galileo and the Roman deities Jupiter and Juno
2. 乐高玩具伽利略和罗马神朱庇特和朱诺的小雕像。
3. A sound recording of a kiss between a mother and child
3. 一份母子相吻的录音。
4. Melancholy Blues, performed by Louis Armstrong and his Hot Seven
4. 由路易斯·阿姆斯特朗和他的Hot Seven乐队一同演奏的《忧郁蓝调》(Melancholy Blues)。

5. A greeting in Zulu from Fred Dube, telling aliens: "We greet you, great ones. We wish you longevity."
5. 由南非祖鲁人弗莱德·杜布(Fred Dube)向外星人发出问候:”你们好,伟大的存在。祝愿你们长寿。“
6. JS Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No2 conducted by Karl Richter
6. 由卡尔·里克特指挥的约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫所创作的第二协奏曲。
7. A sound recording of the rain
7. 雨声录音。
8. A colour photograph of a tree with daffodils
8. 一张树与水仙花的彩色照片。
9. A saxophone
9. 一支萨克斯管。
10. A sound recording of a shepherd herding sheep
10. 牧羊人牧羊的录音。
11. A piece of the rudimentary airplane the Wright brothers flew in 1903, when the aircraft came a few feet off of the ground
11. 1903年莱特兄弟所发明的原始飞机碎片。当时这架飞机飞离地面几英尺。
12. Buzz Lightyear toy. The astronaut action figure of the Toy Story films went in 2008 with Discovery mission STS-124
12. 巴兹光年玩具。这位《玩具总动员》电影里的宇航员玩具人在2008年同“发现”号去执行STS-124任务了。
13. Claus Oldenberg's drawing of Mickey Mouse
13. 克拉斯·奥登伯格(Claus Oldenberg)画的老鼠米奇。
14. A giant 3D printer
14. 一个巨大的3D打印机。
15. A portion of the remains of Krafft Ehricke (1917–1984), rocket scientist
15. 火箭科学家克拉夫特·艾瑞科克(Krafft Ehricke)(1917-1984)的骨灰。
16. The ashes of Star Trek's James Doohan, who played Scotty on the original television series
16. 詹姆斯·杜汉的骨灰。他在《星际迷航》原版电视剧中饰演斯科提(Scotty)。

17. Two golden orb spiders, named Gladys and Esmerelda, were housed on the International Space Station in 2011
17. 在2011入驻国际空间站的两只金球蛛,它们分别叫格拉迪斯(Glayds)和埃斯梅拉达(Esmerelda)。
18. Lots of dead space monkeys, many called Albert
18. 许多死去的太空试验猴,它们中许多叫阿尔贝特。
19. Lots and lots of vomit bags
19. 数不胜数的清洁袋。
20. A corned beef sandwich from a Cocoa Beach, Florida deli, taken by John Young in 1965. It disintegrated in the low gravity
20. 来自弗罗里达熟食店Cocoa Beach的一份腌牛排三明治,它是1965年约翰·杨带上去的,在低重力环境下它也四分五裂。
21. The X-Ray of a hand
21. 一双手的X射线图

22. The remains of Clyde Tombaugh, the scientist who discovered Pluto
22. 发现冥王星(Pluto)的科学家克莱德·汤博( Clyde Tombaugh)的骨灰。
23. A colour diagram of DNA structure
23. 一张关于DNA结构的彩色图表。
24. A film poster from the 1984 Val Kilmer movie Top Secret!
24. 1984年由瓦尔·基尔默主演的电影《笑破铁幕》(Top Secret)的一张海报!
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