【中英文】大学毕业后工资能高吗?[匿名](2020/8/12 22:24:24) 点击:
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0 BECAUSE YOU’RE WORTH IT / 大学文凭就值这个价钱
British universities minister Jo Johnson has this week announced plans to track the income of graduates to assess whether universities are adequately preparing students for the world of work. Concerns have been raised over the declining quality of teaching at universities, with the so-called ‘graduate premium’ (the salary increase a university education warrants) having plunged from 55% to 45% in the last ten years. ‘Fast-track’ degrees of two years rather than three have been suggested, after it was revealed that the average student spends just 30 hours per week learning.
英国大学和科学国务大臣Jo Johnson本周宣布启动一项计划,跟踪调查大学毕业生的工资情况,以评估大学是否很好地帮助学生走向工作。调查显示,大学教育质量下滑,所谓的“毕业溢价(大学教育保证带来的工资提高)”也在过去的十年里从55%大幅下降到45%。在调查披露“直通车”学位学生每周只用花30小时学习之后,这种仅两年而非三年就可以拿到的学位成为推荐选择。
Where would you find the time for fancy dress parties, university balls and eccentric societies if your course was crammed into two years?
Frankie McCoy:不过一旦大学压缩成两年上,你哪里还有时间参加高大上的正装晚会、学校误会和各式各样奇奇怪怪的社团呢?
Another week, another story about the price of student accommodation. The Tiny House UK company has decided to help undergraduates left to the mercy of unscrupulous landlords by providing students with individual houses they can take to university. Founder Mark Burton is the brains behind the miniature homes, which measure 135 square feet and cost £25,000. Unbelievably, that is less than the average undergraduate spends on rent. The hand-built houses can either be connected to a nearby residence, or go “off-grid” and rely on solar and wind power for electricity/heat。
又是新的一周,再来一篇有关学校住宿价格的新闻。英国公司The Tiny House决定帮帮饱受房东慈悲的大学本科生们:为他们提供可以自行“携带”去学校住的房子。创始人Mark Burton就是这迷你学生房背后的最强大脑;这种房子面积135平方米,价格25,000英镑。不过你可能都不会相信,这个价格还是要少于本科生的平均租金花销。这种手工制房子可以和附近的住宿连接到一起用电,也可以“不插电”,依靠太阳能和风能发热发电。
Frankie McCoy:许我一个迷你房,现在,马上!
GOING GREEN / 华威大学“绿”起来
After a two year protest, students at Warwick University this week have finally succeeded in getting the institution to stop investing in fossil fuel. Warwick was the seventh British university with interests in coal, oil or gas, alongside Oxford, Glasgow and Edinburgh universities. Thanks to the Fossil Free Warwick University, however, the £1million investment will be relocated elsewhere.
Students are notorious for supporting green, eco-friendly policies – I’m surprised Oxford, Glasgow and Edinburgh have got away with their fossil fuel investments for so long.
Frankie McCoy:学生嘛,从来都是以支持绿色环保政策而“臭名昭著”——我很吃惊,牛津、格拉斯哥和爱丁堡大学的学生竟然放任自己的学校进行石油投资如此之久。
MATERIAL WORLD / 物质世界里学生族的不动产
Students might continually claim poverty, but that doesn’t seem to prevent them from owning rather a lot of stuff. A survey by insurance providers Endsleigh suggests that the average student owns £3,658 worth of gadgets and other possessions. 45% of the 3053 students questioned have a tablet computer like an iPad, compared to just 4% four years ago. Smartphones consistently rank as the most important item in a student’s life – 95% of people own one, with 82% ranking it their prized possession. A surprisingly high proportion of students – 44% – have a flat screen TV and sadly only 10% regard their bicycle as their favourite thing.
Don’t let your parents see this next time you’re complaining about having to live off pasta at university…
Frankie McCoy:下次和你爸你妈抱怨在学校只能靠意大利面裹腹的时候,记得别让他们看见这条新闻。
21 year old Consumer Behaviour and Marketing student Rachel Pitman is only in her second year at Reading University, but she has already co-founded a business, The Social Media Café, written a book on how to social media as a marketing tool – and she’s a finalist in the Miss England beauty contest. Pitman is one of a growing number of students who are proactively kick-starting their careers whilst still in education, in an attempt to avoid graduate unemployment; as she points out, “Getting good grades isn’t enough to get us noticed by employers any more.”
Rachel Pitman今年21岁,雷丁大学消费者行为与市场营销专业,虽然才刚刚读大二,但是已经是The Social Media Café公司的共同创始人了,还以如何使用社交媒体进行市场营销为话题写了一本书——她还入围了英格兰小姐选美比赛的决赛。为了避免“毕业就是失业”的情况,现在仍在受教育阶段就开始积极创业的学生越来越多,Pitman就是其中之一,她说:“现在光有好成绩已经不足以让我们受到雇主的注意了。”
Too sickeningly perfect – don’t worry, you’re not going to fail in life just because you don’t run a boutique business alongside your degree!
Frankie McCoy:这已经完美到无法让人正常接受了——不过别担心,没有在大学学位之外再开一家精品公司,并不等于人生失败。