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【首页】→ 【新闻资讯】→ 主题:英国拉夫堡大学密码在线英语测试重要更新
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[匿名](2020/5/6 22:23:12)  点击:84133  回复:0  
The following bullet points may explain the process and next steps in more detail:

• We hope that we could offer this option of PASSWORD Lboro English test for students starting from 11th May and available throughout the rest of May at times that suit your staff and students.
• Could your staff from each office taking part contact Lboro offer holders to see if they would like to book into a test? The test will be offered FREE of charge and test results can be used for direct entry or entry onto our online pre-sessional English courses.
• We will then send two test codes per student to you that are used to access one practice test and one real test under invigilation conditions.
• Finally we would like some of the tests you run to be filmed. This is so we can show that we have been able to add an extra layer of checking in case of auditing down the line (any change to UKVI/ Immigration Office/Visa sector checking for example). The filming can be done from a mobile phone positioned facing the student(s) in the room for the duration of the test. And we will randomly decide which student need to be filmed and let you know in the confirmation email, please check the email carefully.

There has been one development which may affect the uptake for these tests. We have now announced that we will accept Duolingo for PSE or direct entry (details attached). We believe this will be the more popular option for your students. As we need to purchase the PASSSWORD test codes for students in advance – if you can give a rough indication of the number of your Loughborough offer holders who will want to take the PASSWORD test this will be really helpful.

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