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格拉斯哥大学英语语言要求更新。可以接受Duolingo, 要求如下:

Duolingo will be accepted for entry to our Pre-Sessional English and degree level programmes with standard English language requirements with the following scores:

115 – direct entry to degree programme

105 – direct entry to degree programme with compulsory in-sessional English support

100 – entry to the 5 week online Pre-Sessional English course

95 – entry to the 10 week online Pre-Sessional English course
For programmes like those in the College of Arts which request higher than standard English language requirements the following scores will be required:

120 – direct entry to degree programme

110 – direct entry to degree programme with compulsory in-sessional English support

Entry to Pre-Sessional English programmes will remain at the same scores above.

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