【中英文】放双晒怎么选?[匿名](2020/2/26 3:55:56) 点击:
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0 防晒是一年四季都不能偷懒的护肤步骤,更是夏日护肤的重中之重。相信许多小仙女都知道涂防晒霜的必要性,但你真的对防晒霜足够了解吗?你知道UVA和UVB的区别吗?选择防晒霜应该注意哪些指标?
UVB rays
“People think that SPF equals everything,” says Dr. Roopal Kundu, a dermatologist at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. And it does count for a lot: the sun protection factor measures a sunscreen’s ability to filter UVB rays, which are related to sunburn and skin cancer. But SPF only measures UVB rays; it doesn’t tell you anything about protection from UVA rays, Kundu says.
UVA rays
The most misunderstood part of sunscreen is UVA. “UVA is around every day; it can penetrate through window glass,” she says. Like UVB, it’s also related to an increased risk of skin cancer, but unlike UVB, it’s not filtered by the ozone at all, Kundu says. UVA doesn’t cause sunburn, but “it really leads to darkening and aging, because it penetrates deeper into the skin and has more influence in the collagen.”
There’s only one way to tell whether your sunscreen offers UVA coverage: the words “broad spectrum.” Without the words “broad spectrum” your sunscreen likely doesn’t offer coverage from UVA, Kundu says.
Most active ingredients in sunscreen shield against UVB, but far fewer have UVA coverage, and only a handful offer both.
Personally, Kundu uses an SPF 30 sunscreen with the active ingredient zinc oxide, a natural sunscreen ingredient that physically—instead of chemically—blocks rays. Zinc oxide protects against both UVA and UVB rays.
SPF numbers
防晒系数(Sun Protection Factor)是指在涂有防晒剂防护的皮肤上产生最小红斑所需能量,与未加任何防护的皮肤上产生相同程度红斑所需能量之比值,简单说来,它就是皮肤抵挡紫外线的时间倍数。
An SPF of 30 means that technically, you could be out in the sun 30 times longer before you get sunburned than you would be able to if you went out without sunscreen, as long as you keep reapplying it appropriately.
According to Kundu, SPF 15 filters about 93% of UVB rays; SPF 30 filters about 97% of UVB rays; and SPF 50 filters about 98% of UVB rays. The difference between SPF 30 and SPF 50 is only a 1% filtering improvement, she says, and since SPF 30 is readily available at many different price points, that’s the one many dermatologists recommend.
How much you need
Bottom line: Typical adults should buy a water-resistant, broad-spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen, reapply every two hours and use the right amount.
这里需要说明的是,长波紫外线防护能力评价指标目前为止还没有全球统一标准。欧美现在更多采用的是Broad Spectrum SPF,也就是代表广谱防晒,表示产品既能防护中波紫外线也能防护长波紫外线。
但如果你购买的是日系防晒霜,需要注意的是PA值。PA(Protection UVA)是1996年日本化妆品工业联合会公布的“UVA防止效果测定法标准”,指的是防止长波紫外线的有效程度指标,是日系防晒中最广被采用的标准,防御效果被区分为三级,即PA+、PA++、PA+++,2013年又加入PA++++。