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[匿名](2019/10/7 22:23:53)  点击:92131  回复:0  
Beijing Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources and Beijing Meteorological Bureau jointly issued the  yellow alert  for possible  geological disasters  of mud-slides, cave-in and landslip in mountainous areas in the districts of Fangshan, Mentougou, Huairou, Pinggu and Shijingshan, as well as Miyun county.


上文中的geological disaster就是“地质灾害”,发布此类预警的系统就是geological disaster warning system(地质灾害预警系统),由四种颜色代表不同的预警级别,即color-coded warning system(颜色预警系统)。颜色预警共有四个级别,由低到高分别为blue alert(蓝色预警)、yellow alert(黄色预警)、orange alert(橙色预警)、red alert(红色预警),是根据precipitation intensity(降水强度)来设定的。

我们来说说天气预报中的各种“雨”:flurry(阵雨)、drizzle(小雨)、moderate rain(中雨)、rainstorm(暴雨)。降雨可能导致的地质灾害有:mudslide(泥石流)、cave-in(崩塌)、landslip(滑坡)、soil sink(地面塌陷)等。
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