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[匿名](2019/9/22 21:01:04)  点击:93063  回复:0  
近日,美国社会保障署公布了2017年新生儿姓名统计结果。去年美国新生儿的名字一共有 29910个,其中不少都与漫威超级英雄重名了。例如,女武神Valkyrie,绿巨人Banner,星爵Quill以及鹰眼Hawkeye等。而人气最高的超级英雄同款名字来自人见人爱的蜘蛛侠彼得•帕克。

Parker 帕克:1487(女),4346(男)

There are 5,833 babies born in 2017 who share a name with Peter Parker, everyone’s favorite awkward high schooler who recently became an Avenger.


Wade 韦德:889(男)

In case you didn’t know, Ryan Reynald’s much loved Deadpool character is called Wade, a fairly low key and normal name for the most relatable and comedic superhero, if you can call him that.


Natasha 娜塔莎:335(女)

Yes, Natasha is a pretty standard name and it doesn’t necessarily mean that parents who named their children that were inspired by Natasha Romanova, otherwise known as Black Widow. But she’s a killer badass assassin, so we’re going to believe she was the muse.


Pepper 佩珀:121(女),7(男)

Pepper might sound like something Gwyneth Paltrow might name her actual children (she has a knack for that sort of thing), but Mrs Iron Man shares the name with 128 kids born in 2017, and it’s pretty cute.


Loki 洛基:5(女),91(男)

We’re not sure why you’d name your child after one of the most unkillable villains in the Marvel Universe, although a lovable one. But quite a few parents did.


Valkyrie 女武神(瓦尔基里):63(女)

This is a pretty rad and extraordinary name which we think will continue to rise in popularity. Who doesn’t want to be named after a fearless alien fighter?


Marvel 漫威:21(女),29(男)

Why pick a character when you can just pick the whole universe? That’s exactly what some parents did as 50 kids were given the gender neutral name.


Banner 班纳:39(男性)

The 39 little boys named Banner might not necessarily be named after genius doctor Bruce Banner who moonlights as the Incredible Hulk, but we like to think it might be inspired by the lovable monster.


Rocket 火箭:9(女),28(男)

The feisty little raccoon from Guardians of the Galaxy inspired a few American parents and we’re pretty sure the kids will be grateful they didn’t choose Rocket’s companion Groot.


Quill 奎尔:5(女),15(男)

Rocket’s co-star Quill (human name Peter) from Guardians of the Galaxy was a name given to 20 wee babies.


Hawkeye 鹰眼:6(男)

Hawkeye might be a star archer and Avenger, but we’re not sure he makes a good namesake.

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