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【首页】→ 【学习交流】→ 主题:【中英文】从听歌喜好看思考方式:柔和派or激烈派?
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[匿名](2019/7/15 21:22:10)  点击:96734  回复:0  
Psychologists already know that music preferences are linked to personality, but a new study finds that your taste in music is also associated with the way you think.

The University of Cambridge study, which was published Wednesday in the online journal PLOS One, found that people who are high in empathy prefer "mellow" music -- including R&B/soul, adult contemporary and soft rock -- while those with more analytical minds tend to prefer more "intense" music -- such as punk, heavy metal and hard rock.
这项研究由剑桥大学发起,并于星期三在网络期刊《PLOS One》上发表。研究结果显示,同理心强的人喜欢柔和的音乐,包括节奏蓝调/灵魂乐、成人时代风格和慢摇滚;而善于分析的人则喜欢更“激烈”的音乐,比如朋克、重金属和硬摇滚。

Taylor Swift or AC/DC?

For the study, U.K. researchers recruited over 4,000 participants using a Facebook app. The participants filled out personality questionnaires, and then were asked to listen to and rate 50 different songs from a variety of genres.

The researchers found that empathetic individuals ("empathizers") tended to prefer more emotionally driven music, while analytic minds ("systemizers") gravitated toward music with greater sonic complexity.

"Empathizers, who have a drive to understand the thoughts and feelings of others, preferred music ... which featured low energy, negative emotions (such as sadness) and emotional depth," David Greenberg, a Ph.D. candidate at Cambridge and the study's lead author, told The Huffington Post in an email. "On the other hand, systemizers, who have a drive to understand and analyze the patterns that underpin the world, preferred music ... which not only features high energy and positive emotions."

Why? The researchers hypothesize that people seek out music that reflects and reinforces their own mental states.

"People’s musical choices seem to be a mirror of who they are," Greenberg said.  

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