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【英文】英国德比大学(University of Derby)CAS截止日期提醒
[匿名](2019/7/4 19:41:43)  点击:101439  回复:0  
CAS deadline:
for Chinese students last date of CAS issue by University of Derby is Friday 13th September 2019 for students using either of the fast track processes as they need time to make their travel arrangements and prepare themselves to travel.  It is important that they arrive for the induction on 21st September and at the latest for enrolment week w/c 23rd September 2019.

Latest enrolment date:

is 9am on Monday 7th October 2019, new students arriving must be here by this time or they should be told in an email and where possible also by telephone not to travel.

The only exception is:
Dorothy Satterfield – Applied Petroleum – Last date of enrolment:  Friday 4th October 2019




1. 1500 人民币包英国本地老师写的PS

2. 2000 人民币包PS 和简历

3. 3200 人民币包PS,简历和2 封推荐信

1 对1 英国本土外教视频英语课,提供您的英语听力和交流能力以及英文听说的自信,150 人民币/课时(45 分钟)或者280 人民币/课时(60 分钟)。或者可以选择我们的1 对1 英国本土外教雅思口语培训课程,280 人民币/课时(60分钟)



QQ: 1830621058


微信公众号:英国学子SUUK (suuk_uk)

Email:[email protected],[email protected]  

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