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【中英文】3个秘诀让你魅力指数翻倍 光彩照人
[匿名](2018/11/20 22:23:38)  点击:109993  回复:0  
We all want others to like us. Deep down in our hearts we all want to feel supported, respected, and, most importantly, loved.


Yet, unfortunately, for many of us this is much easier said then done. We can feel like we always fall short in finding this love that we so desire to experience.


Here's the thing: Many of us waste our energy on things that aren't really positively serving us. We worry about whether someone will like us or not. We obsess about a past relationship that didn't work. We go on a first date with this underlying fear of "Will I be rejected?"


The trouble is that when we do these things, we allow all these things to suck away our energy, which prevents us from truly standing in our own unique power.


And you know what? It's not very attractive. Other people can feel that energy and they know and feel your fear.


So what can we do to truly love and have more confidence in ourselves so that we can truly be irresistibly attractive?


#1 - Take care of yourself.

#1- 照顾好自己

Go out and exercise. Eat healthy. Take the time periodically check-in with your body. If you feel exhausted, then take the time to rest. If you feel energized then make sure you get out there and channel that energy into some great work or work out!


#2 - Do what you love to do.

#2- 做自己喜欢的事

Even though we can't always control avoiding the things that we hate to do, we can find time to do the things that we love to do! If you've always wanted to learn how to paint, then start painting. If you love dancing, then go out dancing!


#3 - Believe in you.

#3- 相信自己
Believe that you are capable of really having what your heart desires. Believe that you do truly deserve love. Know that you are good enough... you are worthy!

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