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【首页】→ 【学习交流】→ 主题:【双语】春天吃这10种食物 美味又养生
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【双语】春天吃这10种食物 美味又养生
[匿名](2018/3/20 0:10:09)  点击:124664  回复:0  

Spring declares the great rejuvenation of nature from its wintry slumber. As the temperature picks up, animals and plants all start a new growth cycle - which offers the perfect window to nip the freshest ingredients to add some seasonal delights to your dining table.

Since the quick weather transition may leave your body vulnerable to diseases like the flu, spring is also high time for you to recover vitality and have a healthy kick-start to 2018!

1. Spring bamboo shoots 春笋

Bamboo shoots are rich in various amino acids, vitamins and inorganic salts. Braising them with pork or shrimp brings out the best flavor of this seasonal delicacy.

2. Chinese yam 山药

Steamed, stir-fried or put into gruel, Chinese yam is always the key to a healthy meal.

3. Strawberries 草莓

Fresh strawberries contain tannic acid, which is anti-toxic and are said to have cancer-fighting properties. In addition, strawberries are said to help protect your body from blood diseases.

4. Leeks 韭菜

Spring leeks are the most tender and delicious of the year. TCM says that eating this fragrant vegetable can strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach.

5. Honey 蜂蜜

On dry and windy spring days, adding honey to your lemon tea creates an ideal detox drink. Have one spoon of honey every day and night, and keep the flu away.

6. Soybean sprouts 黄豆芽

Soybean sprouts are a perfect source for Vitamin B2 and dietary fiber.

7. Red dates 红枣

Traditional Chinese medicine recommends more sweet and less sour foods during spring. Red date proves to be very efficient in nourishing the blood and avoiding drowsiness.

8. Duck 鸭肉

Instead of mutton or beef, meats like duck, chicken and fish are said to be better suited for springtime. Enjoy some homemade duck soup or even better, go to a restaurant with friends and order a Peking duck!

9. Shepherd's purse 荠菜

As an edible wild herb widely spread across China, shepherd's purse is the signature of spring. According to TCM, it can fight against stomach cancer and improve gastrointestinal motility.

10. Turnip 萝卜

Turnip soup with pork rib, carrot and Chinese wolfberry helps to increase the appetite and nourish the blood.
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