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【双语】放假就自拍 惹人烦
[匿名](2018/3/15 20:59:43)  点击:125383  回复:0  

Selfies and hot dog legs have been revealed as being among the most annoying Instagram travel poses around.


Shots of loved-up couples kissing have also been deemed irritating by the social media community, as has the candid 'looking away' shot.

Other poses to get the thumbs down include people 'pinching' the sunset, freeze jumping and walking away from the camera.

The research, conducted by UK cruise agent Bolsover Cruise Club, set out to find the most annoying holiday Instagram poses filling our social media feeds.

More than a third of the public said they weren’t a fan of selfies, just ahead of beach snaps of 'hot dog legs'.

The poses were disliked by the public because they felt that they were overly pretentious, and a bit too show off, while also ruining the often-picturesque landscapes and backdrops of the holiday destinations they were taken at.

The research revealed that Instagrammers were tempted to hit the 'unfollow' button when more than 12 holiday pictures cropped up on their feed.

It also found that there is a strong divide in opinions between age and gender groups on what makes a good vacation snap.

A quarter of women said they were annoyed by followees posting their ‘hot dog legs’, while men were 20 percent less likely to be irritated by the same pose.
四分之一的女性表示,她们不喜欢自己关注的人上传 “热狗腿”照片,而有此同感的男性比女性少了20%。

And research showed the under-24s are five times (46 percent) more likely to be annoyed than 45-54s (nine percent) when seeing pictures of kissing couples.

It seems jealousy is also rife across this age group with under-24s four times more likely to be annoyed by holiday photos than older people.


Interestingly, men proved keener than women to show off romantic displays of affection, voting the ‘kissing partners’ pose as their second favourite compared to nearly a fifth of women voting it as their most annoying.


Snappers should think more about taking shots of wonderful landmarks they encounter on holiday, with followers most likely to hit the precious ‘like’ button when seeing sites such as Iceland’s famous Blue Lagoon, the world’s tallest building, Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, and the Duomo di Milano cathedral in Milan.

Commenting on the results, a spokesperson from Bolsover Cruise Club said: 'It was quite surprising to see how many males favoured the more romantic poses on holiday with females identifying the "kissing partner" pose as more irritating.

'With the social media craze all around and Instagram users continually on the rise, it begs the question of what poses will dominate Instagram in the following years or whether the popular poses in this research are here to stay.'


1. Selfie - 34 percent 自拍 34%

2. Hot dog legs - 22 percent 热狗腿 22%

3. Kissing partner - 17 percent 亲吻伴侣 17%

4. Candid looking away shot - 16 percent 抓拍看向别处的照片 16%

5. People ‘pinching’ sunset/building - 14 percent 人们“捏住”夕阳或建筑 14%

6. Freeze jump - 11 percent 定格跳跃瞬间 11%

7. Walking away from camera - 10 percent 从镜头前走开 10%

8. Name/message in sand - 9 percent 沙滩上的名字或留言 9%

9. Showing off a picture of landmark - 7 percent 展示地标照片 7%

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