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【首页】→ 【学习交流】→ 主题:【双语】阿米尔汗新作《神秘巨星》:“生而为女人,真对不起...
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[匿名](2018/1/31 0:20:08)  点击:127952  回复:0  
“Secret Superstar,” the latest film vehicle for Indian superstar Aamir Khan, looks set top open on top of the Chinese box office. It is enjoying the momentum created by Khan’s previous film “Dangal,” which enjoyed an unprecedented $193 million of business in China. “Superstar” had clocked up $3.5 million (RMB23.3 million) by 3pm on last Friday, its opening day. That put it comfortably atop the early charts with a 25% market share.

印度巨星阿米尔汗(Aamir Khan)的最新电影《神秘巨星》(Secret Superstar)目前在中国票房榜上遥遥领先。人们还沉浸在阿米尔汗的上一部电影《摔跤吧!爸爸》(Dangal)所创造的辉煌当中,那部电影在中国电影市场收获了1.93亿美元的票房,这对印度电影来说是一个前所未有的数字。而《神秘巨星》在上周五首映当天下午3点时,票房就达到了350万美元(2330万元人民币)。25%的市场份额使其轻松在早期票房数据表上名列榜首。

In second place, with 16% market share was Zhang Ziyi-starring holdover “Forever Young” and new release “Guardians of the Tomb,” with close to 15%. “Guardians,” previously titled “Nest,” is a big-budget Australian-Chinese co-production starring Li Bingbing, Kellan Lutz and Kelsey Grammer. It is yet another entry in the Chinese sub-genre of tomb raiding action adventures.

紧随其后的是拥有市场份额16%的,由章子怡主演的《无问西东》(Forever Young),以及刚上映的《谜巢》(Guardians of the Tomb),市场份额占比近15%。《谜巢》起初片名题为“Nest”,后改为“Guardians”,这是一部由李冰冰、凯南.鲁兹(Kellan Lutz)和凯尔希.格兰莫(Kelsey Grammer)主演的,中澳合作出品的大制作电影。这是中国古墓探险类冒险动作片的又一部新作。

Synopsis of the film


Insiya, 14-year-old girl from a middle-class family faces fierce opposition from her father in pursuing her dream of becoming a singer.


Insiya is also the girl who has got an amazing singing talent. Between the optimistic hopes of becoming a singer one day while caught up in the harsh challenges of her life, she found a mentor in musician Shakti Kumar (Amir Khan).

但Insiya是一个拥有过人歌唱天赋的女孩。在渴望成为歌手的美好愿望和生活中艰难的挑战之间,有一天,她找到了导师-音乐家Shakti Kumar(阿米尔汗饰)。

Musician Shakti Kumar is also going through a bad phase in his musical career. After listening to her voice, he vows to introduce this new artist to the world, who is unwilling for a public appearance.

音乐家Shakti Kumar刚巧也在他的音乐生涯中经历着低谷期。听了Insiya的声音后,他发誓要把这位不愿公开露面的新艺术家介绍给世人。

Whether it is batting for the girl child or freeing a battered housewife from the shackles of a loveless marriage, the material at hand has been touched on earlier. But what makes ’Secret Superstar’ stand out is the adventurous narrative that keeps you rooted and guessing. You can feel the frustration of the Malik household in which not just people, even emotions are trapped. When the protagonist breaks free, you find yourself simultaneously wiping your tears and doing a victory lap.

无论是为女童斗争还是为从无爱婚姻的束缚中解放受虐待的家庭主妇,相关的题材早已被触及过。 但是,《神秘巨星》的突出之处在于大胆的叙述,使你沉浸其中,不断猜测。你可以感受到Malik家庭的挫败感,不只是人,连情绪都被困住了。当主角解脱,重获自由时,你会发现自己一边擦眼泪,一边欢呼雀跃。
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