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[匿名](2018/1/12 2:46:43)  点击:130684  回复:0  


President Xi Jinping on Wednesday ordered the armed police force to uphold the absolute leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Xi, also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), made the remarks at a ceremony by the CMC to confer a flag on the armed police force.

“授旗”用confer a flag to表示,confer多指“授予、赋予(权力、荣誉等)”,常用的搭配为confer power/honor on someone;如果表示“请教某人,与某人商议”则可以用confer with someone表示,比如:He wanted to confer with his colleagues before reaching a decision.(他想与他的同事先商议一下再作出决定。)


The adjustment in the leading and command system of the armed police force, placing the armed police under the unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the CMC, is an important political decision the CPC Central Committee made to fully realize the absolute leadership of the Party over all armed forces and to develop a socialist military system with Chinese characteristics. The move has vital and profound effect on building a strong military for the new era and modernizing the country's system and capacity for governance.

The armed police force is an important part of the people's armed forces led by the CPC and bears major responsibility in safeguarding national security and social stability, as well as protecting people's life. The armed police force plays an important role in safeguarding political security, especially the security of the political power and system.

The armed police force should accelerate its integration into the joint combat system of the armed forces, enhance reform and innovation, and strive to build a strong and modern armed police force.

The armed police force must focus on real combat training and readiness for war, remain on high alert as always, and better deal with emergencies and terrorism.


1月3日,中央军委隆重举行2018年开训动员大会(mobilization meeting),中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平向全军发布训令,号召全军贯彻落实党的十九大精神和新时代党的强军思想(to implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and the CPC's thought on building a strong army in the new era),全面加强实战化军事训练,全面提高打赢能力。


The army at all levels should enhance military training oriented at combat readiness and put military training at a strategic position and as the central work with effective results.

Leading officers should take the lead and play an exemplary role, real combat training and joint combat training should be carried out according to rules in strict governance.

The armed forces should conduct training in fine work style, innovate method and improve support to training, tighten up supervision, and hold events of mass training for the soldiers.

The armed forces should enhance targeted and adversarial training, improve military real combat ability, and firmly grasp the capability to win battles.

Commanders and personnel should firmly implement the decisions and instructions by the CPC Central Committee and the CMC with a fighting spirit of fearing neither hardship nor death.

The armed forces should train hard in a scientific way, be brave to overcome difficulties and surpass opponents, and create an elite and powerful force that is always ready for the fight, capable of combat and sure to win in order to fulfill the tasks bestowed by the Party and the people in the new era.



《现代汉语词典》中解释“训词”为“训话时所说的话”,多指军队统帅对下级的重要指示和告诫(instructions and admonition)。“训词”之“训”是“教导、训诫”之意。

国防大学军队政治工作教研室副主任公方彬认为,“训词”的本质是领导人代表党和人民对军队产生思想引领(guide the army on behalf of the Party and the people),设立价值坐标和行为规范(code of conduct)。

《现代汉语词典》中对“训令”的解释为“机关晓谕下属或委派人员时所用的公文”。军事科学院专家认为,发布训令(issuing an order)多用于军令系统,作战指挥色彩浓厚,通常是上级首长或机关下达的必须执行的命令,针对的是非常重要的事。
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