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【首页】→ 【学习交流】→ 主题:【英文】写给我亲爱小孩:你将永远闪耀
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[匿名](2017/6/29 19:44:08)  点击:142261  回复:0  
My dearest darling child.

I am writing this letter to you as a permanent reminder of how wonderful you are, and to tell you that no matter what happens, you will always shine. I say this not just as your mom, but because of how much you have enriched all our lives and how you will go on to enrich the lives of others you are yet to meet.

Things you have struggled with have become my struggles, while all the wonderful things you accomplished in your short life so far have brought me more joy than anything I could have ever imagined. When I look into your eyes, I see such hope for humanity, and for the type of world we should all live in.

A world filled with kindness for everything and everyone, whether it is a smile, a simple gesture or simply being there. This is what you bring to the world. A world filled with compassion for the vulnerable, weak, very young or very old. You seem to have a special sensitivity to the needs of others and help in the most sensitive and gentlest of ways.

Appreciate the simple things.
You take joy in simple every day occurrences the rest of us take for granted, and help me appreciate life in all its splendor. You speak your truth even if the world is not always ready to hear it, and you have a great awareness of what fits together in life and what doesn’t. This can sometimes get you into trouble, but the world needs speakers, dreamers, creators, inventors, explorers and you have a part of each of these.

There is no one quite like you now and never will be. You have everything inside of you that will get you to wherever you want to go and be whatever you want to be. Enjoy being a child, even if there are times you wish you were a grown up. Believe me there are so many grown ups who wish they got a second chance at childhood. This is a special time for new experiences, learning new things, learning to do things better and also to simply have fun and goof around. Don’t forget the fun part. It is the stuff that wonderful memories are made of, and will get you through any difficult times later in life.

Imagination is your greates gift.
Never lose your wonderful imagination my beautiful child, even if others may poke fun at you. They cannot see the miracles and magic unfolding in your head and they cannot see the places where your adventures take you to. Your thoughts are clear and pure and wonderfully simple, yet there are times I sense you are burdened my child but you cannot yet express it.

It is your sensitivity and perception that makes you more aware than others, not only of all that is good but also of things that are not quite right in the world today. I know some things don’t make sense to you. They don’t makes sense to me either. Instead seek out all that is good in the world, in others and most importantly in yourself and everything else will take care of itself.

I will always be there for you.
Know that I am here for you no matter what and I will always love and support you as you grow into your own unique person. Don’t change, just evolve into all that you are destined to become. It will be enough my child. Be a beacon of light. Be a beacon of hope for us all. Now go to wherever the breath of life carries you, and go shine, shine where ever you go. Spread the light and illuminate the whole world because it belongs to you.

“As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.” – Marianne Williamson

Love always,

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