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【首页】→ 【新闻资讯】→ 主题:中英双语阅读:英国人最常吃的十道美食
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frank1226(2009/4/23 19:12:53)  点击:218459  回复:0  

The average Briton can make 10 meals from scratch without having to look at a recipe, a survey suggests。


  Spaghetti bolognese is the most popular dish, with 65% of people saying they know the recipe by heart。


  The traditional roast dinner comes in second place with 54% of people able to prepare it unaided。


  The survey, commissioned by the UKTV Food channel to mark the return of its Market Kitchen show, involved questioning 3,000 people。


  The survey suggests the average cook is more comfortable preparing foreign dishes than British classics at home。


  Chilli con carne is the third most popular dish for cooks to attempt, with 42% saying they can manage it without looking at a cookbook or recipe online。


  Some 41% of cooks feel confident they can prepare the classic Italian dish lasagne。


  The research defined a recipe as a main course dish containing four or more ingredients。


  Matthew Fort, presenter of Market Kitchen, said: "The results provide a good snapshot of what Brits are eating week in, week out, because if you cook something regularly enough you will remember the recipe."


  Those surveyed admitted they made an average of just four home-cooked meals per week。


  Only 16% of those aged under 25 cook every day compared with 45% of those aged 56 and over。


  The study revealed British cooks own an average of five recipe books each but are increasingly turning to the internet and television cooking shows for inspiration。



  Spaghetti bolognese 意大利肉酱面 (65%)

  Roasted dinner 传统英式烤肉/菜 (54%)

  Chili con carne 香辣肉酱 (42%)

  Lasagne 意大利千层面 41%

  Cottage or shepherd's pie 农家馅饼/牧羊人馅饼 (38%)

  Meat or fish stir fry 爆炒肉片/鱼片 (38%)

  Beef casserole 炖牛肉 (34%)

  Macaroni cheese 奶酪烤通心粉 (32%)

  Toad in the hole 约克郡烤饼卷香肠 (30%)

  Meat, fish or vegetable curry 咖喱肉/鱼/蔬菜 (26%)

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