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Conquer Your Self Doubt with Two Simple Words


Have you ever sat down and thought about why you haven’t accomplished what you want to in your life yet?

What’s holding you back from doing the things you really want to do, from achieving those life goals you set for yourself?

Do you have people around you telling you that you can’t do things? Are you telling yourself that you can’t do things? Are you forgetting to dream?

In order to be successful, you have to develop a mindset that you can do absolutely anything that you desire.

You’ve probably heard the saying “you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it.” To me, this is an absolute reality for anyone. Your mind is an extremely powerful tool that you can use to catapult your way to success.

Napolean Hill’s entire book, “Think and Grow Rich,” was based upon the idea that the most successful people in the world, people like Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and many other great minds of the world, achieved their level of success because they believed so highly in themselves. They shaped and molded their minds to enhance that belief in themselves, and that success just became a part of who they were.

These two simple words were part of their every day life, as well as every successful person that has ever lived.

What were they?

“Why not?”

On the surface, it doesn’t seem like two little words can influence an entire lifetime of success… but they can. And here’s how.

Self Belief is King

Think about the last time you really wanted to do something awesome, but for whatever reason, you came up short of your goal.

Why did this happen?

I can almost guarantee that your belief in yourself got in the way somewhere down the line. Whether this was due to an outside source influencing you, or whether it came from your own self doubts, it doesn’t matter.

All possibility of achievement comes down to you. You have to approach any kind of achievement with 100% self belief. Don’t let anyone, including yourself, change that belief.

Now think about the last time you accomplished a goal. You probably started off with a very positive mindset. You never had any doubt in yourself that you could do it. When you thought about what achieving that goal would entail, your mind naturally said – “Sure…why not?”

That’s when saying “Why not?” can be so utterly powerful.

What you’re really saying to yourself is, “Why not? There’s no good reason I can’t do that.”

Your Self Assessment Gut Check

But this can also serve as a self-assessment gut check. If you find yourself starting to answer this gut check with excuses, then that means you don’t truly believe in yourself, and you must conquer those doubts before you can move on. Otherwise you’ll almost certainly come up short.

Don’t let those excuses get in the way of your goals.

When you feel doubt, “Why not” can serve as a reminder that there is nothing you can’t overcome to achieve your goal.

Write a best-selling book? – Why not?
Run a marathon? – Why not?
Learn a foreign language – Why not?
Make a million dollars – Why not?

Sure, you’re not going to be able to achieve every goal you have tomorrow, but if you truly believe in yourself, “Why Not” will help you uncover any doubts you have so you can move past them, and it will also help you reassure yourself that if you put forth the effort, there is absolutely no good reason you can’t accomplish your goals.

Achievement is up to you. You are in control of your life and your success.

Want to live the life of your dreams? Awesome!

In fact, I say…why not?

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