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【首页】→ 【学习交流】→ 主题:【中英阅读】2020年总统选举米歇尔•奥巴马呼声最高...
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[匿名](2016/11/21 7:27:27)  点击:153955  回复:0  

The Donald Trump win devastated many who wanted America to elect its first female president.

However, some have already cast aside their previous female candidate, Hillary Clinton, and are now endorsing another potential first female president - Michelle Obama.

The First Lady to Barack Obama is very popular and many think she would be in with a chance of winning the election for the Democrats in 2020. The hashtag #Michelle2020 trended on Twitter as people voiced their hopes she would save the US from President Trump.
贝拉克•奥巴马的妻子米歇尔作为美国第一夫人一直深得人心。许多人认为她有希望在2020年代表民主党赢得总统选举。人们纷纷表达希望米歇尔从特朗普手中“救出”美国的意愿,“米歇尔2020” 话题(#Michelle2020)也因此登上推特热搜榜。

While some are tweeting in jest, others seem to actually want her to run to be president of the United States as a tonic to Donald Trump's impending term.

Can Michelle fix it?

Michelle Obama: I'll fix this. #Michelle2020
-- i (@akosiicko) November 9, 2016
— i (@akosiicko) 2016年11月9日

Could she be America's only hope?

There was no good options. Clinton would just have been a lesser of 2 evils. Our only hope is Michelle Obama in 2020
-- Cam (@cameron_cavan) November 9, 2016
— 卡姆 (@cameron_cavan) 2016年11月9日

People are really getting into this idea

Anyhoo, @flotus for 2020! Go Michelle Go!
-- Emma Kennedy (@EmmaKennedy) November 9, 2016
— 艾玛•肯尼迪 (@EmmaKennedy) 2016年11月9日

Some want to fast-forward to 2020

Please press fast forward to 2020 so Michelle Obama can fix things
-- GOD ZION T. (@GDtotheTOP) November 9, 2016
— GOD ZION T. (@GDtotheTOP) 2016年11月9日

"The only sensible thing to happen today"

I'm loving the #Michelle2020 tag already taking over. Just about the only sensible thing to happen today. #Election2016 #ElectionNight
-- Antranig Shokayan (@ant_shok) November 9, 2016
很高兴看到话题“米歇尔2020”出现如此高的热度!这大概是今天发生的唯一合乎情理的事情了。#2016选举 #选举之夜
— Antranig Shokayan (@ant_shok) 2016年11月9日

Some want to campaign now

So...we may have to start gearing up for Michelle Obama to run in 2020, can we get that campaign started now #Michelle2020
-- IG: @TamiRoman (@TamiRoman) November 9, 2016
— IG: @TamiRoman (@TamiRoman) 2016年11月9日

And others think she could win even without campaigning

Michelle Obama wouldn't even have to have a proper campaign in 2020. Walk on stage, say a couple words then bam she'd win
-- Liv (@LivMawby) November 9, 2016
— Liv (@LivMawby) 2016年11月9日

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