【中英阅读】嫁还是不嫁 这是个问题[匿名](2016/5/25 0:02:34) 点击:
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0 A recent online commercial tells the following story: upon graduating, getting a job and being promoted, the female protagonist’s grandmother, whose health is in decline, keeps asking her the same question, “When are you getting married?”, until the woman finally rushes home in a wedding dress to bring the elderly lady in her dying days the ultimate comfort.
Marriage puts a lot of pressure on single women, as if they are destined to get married in order to fulfill others’, rather than their own, expectations. But what’s pushing single women into matrimony is a social stereotype and form of self-identification that creates a dilemma for modern women in today’s social contexts, experts say.
In the book Seeking Happily Ever After: Navigating the Ups and Downs of Being Single Without Losing Your Mind (and Finding Lasting Love Along the Way), US author Michelle Cove tries to reveal what women really want out of a relationship. As reported in Marie Claire, a women’s magazine in the US, Cove identifies some of the categories of single women based on intensive interviews.
The Soul-Mate Seeker
Finding “The One” is the most important task in her life.
The Phoenix
She is doing everything she can to rise from a recent devastating breakup and to be in good shape again.
The Organic
She prefers the “let it be” approach and leaves things up to destiny. She lives her own life rather than hunting for men in a methodical way.
The Free Spirit
Independence or a relationship? She believes there is no way to reach a compromise between both and therefore leans to the former.
The Wedding Wisher
She suddenly finds herself fantasizing about getting married after a lifetime of not caring about it.
The Town Rebel
She no longer aspires to live the normal lifestyle of everyone else in her community, though she once used to.
The Slow and Steady
A woman who hopes to marry when the time is right. Meanwhile, she does her best not to cave to the massive pressure she feels from friends, family and society.
The Trailblazer
A woman who knows married life is not for her, so she’s trying to break a new kind of path to happiness.