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[匿名](2016/5/2 8:02:08)  点击:161524  回复:0  
When it comes to being healthy, the world’s priority is getting more sleep rather than eating healthy food, exercising or taking vitamins, a poll has found.


Worldwide, 66 per cent of people get enough sleep, compared to 59 per cent who eat healthy food and 57 per cent who regularly exercise.


Indonesians and Indians are the most well-rested, with 85 and 77 per cent respectively reporting they get enough sleep.


Meanwhile the Polish and Russians get by with the least shut-eye, with only 51 per cent and 52 per cent getting enough rest to maintain health.


The poll questioned more than 28,000 in 23 countries on which activities they regularly do to maintain their physical health.


It found only that while sushi may be touted as a diet option, only 29 per cent of people in Japan say they eat healthy food.


And while curry is billed as a high-calorie Friday night treat, 79 per cent of people in India say they eat healthily.


Mexico and China have the highest number of people who exercise on a regular basis (68 per cent and 67 per cent), while Japan and Russia have fewer fitness fanatics (39 per cent and 40 per cent).


Their questioning revealed having a cosmetic procedure - whether surgical or non-surgical - was the least popular way of maintaining health, with only 6 per cent of people globally choosing to do this.


The study found stark differences between the sexes, especially when it comes to sun safety.


Globally, women are over twice as likely than men to use sunscreen than men, it found.


People in Brazil slather on the most suncream, at 46 per cent, while Australia and Spain both trail at 42 per cent.


And having children seems to make people more healthy. Parents get 2 per cent more sleep than non-parents and lead on eating healthy food by 8 per cent.


You might think running around after children would put parents in the lead on exercise, but in fact non-parents edged in front by 3 per cent.


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