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【首页】→ 【学习交流】→ 主题:【中英阅读】世界最神秘的八大民族
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[匿名](2016/1/24 23:30:14)  点击:171754  回复:0  
1. Russians
Scientists still cannot agree on their origins and answer the question when Russians became Russian. The ancestry of Russians were sought among Normans, Scythians, and Sarmatians, and even the South Siberian Usuns.

2. Maya
Some scientists believe that they are connected to legendary atlantes, others suppose their ancestors were Egyptians. The Maya created an efficient agricultural system, had deep astronomy knowledge. Their calendar was used by other peoples of Central America. Maya applied hieroglyphic writing system. Now it seems that the Maya came from nowhere and disappeared nowhere.

3. Prussians
Their origin itself is a mystery too. It was firstly mentioned in the IX century in the records of an anonymous merchant and later in Polish and German chronicles. Linguists find its analogies in various Indo-European languages. In the XVII began the history of Prussianism.

4. Sumerians
Must be one of the most mysterious peoples in the ancient world. We know nothing about their origin and nothing about the origin of their language. The Sumerians were rather advanced – they became the first in the Near East to use a wheel, to create an irrigation system and their unique writing, besides, they were impressively good at maths and astronomy.

5. Gipsies
According to the linguistic and genetic researches, ancestors of the Gipsies left the territory of India in the amount that did not exceed 1000 people. Today there are approximately 10 million Gipsies in the world. In the Middle Ages Europeans believed that Gipsies were Egyptians.

6. Philistines
The Philistines are the most mysterious peoples mentioned in the Bible. Only them and Hittites knew the technology of steel production and they marked the start of the Iron Age. According to the Bible, the Philistines originate from Caphtor Island (Crete).

7. Basques
The Basque language, Euskara, is believed to be the only relic pre-Indo-European language that does not belong to any language group that exists today. According to the research of National Geographic made in 2012 all Basques have a set of genes that are pretty much different from those of other peoples around them.

8. Sarmatians
The Sarmatians left a lot of secrets. Perhaps they had matriarchy, some scientists suppose that Russian kokoshnik was invented by the Sarmatians. These people had a tradition of an artificial skull deformation, that enabled people to have egg-shaped heads.

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