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【首页】→ 【学习交流】→ 主题:【中英阅读】英国开首家狗狗“游击餐厅”
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[匿名](2015/11/6 0:09:54)  点击:169043  回复:0  

A new restaurant is offering a five-course drink-paired menu stuffed with all the fashionable, nutritional foods you can think of.

There's seaweed and kale puree to start, followed by a reishi mushroom flaxseed cream main course, with a dessert of coconut and blueberry chia pudding - with gluten-free cinnamon quinoa.

But this bang on-trend meal isn't fit for human consumption - it's just for dogs.

These meals will be served for one weekend only at London's latest eatery, The Curious Canine Kitchen, a 'holistic restaurant for four-legged friends'.
这家名为The Curious Canine Kitchen的餐厅仅在伦敦肖尔迪奇区开了一个双休日(4月11-12日)。期间,狗狗美食家们受到了五道菜肴搭配饮料的盛情款待。

The doggie fine diner is the first of its kind in Britain to serve high-end, freshly prepared, organic canine cuisine and will pop up in Shoreditch, London, on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 April.

This ticketed charity event is the brainchild of event organiser and spiritual dog trainer Natty Mason who has worked with whole foods, and gluten-free trained chef Emily Stevenson to devise the menus.

Ms Mason said: 'I am impassioned to provoke a rethink in healthy canine dining and hope that this event, the first of its kind here, inspires better doggie dinners across the UK'.

For £20 a dog, foodie Fidos will be treated to the five-course on the menu for dogs which includes dishes such as textures of tripe with seaweed and kale puree, crispy paddywack (the chewy dog treat) with reishi mushroom flaxseed cream, and coconut, and blueberry chia pudding with gluten-free cinnamon quinoa dog biscuits.

Each dish will be served alongside refreshments such as alkaline water, beef consomme and coconut water.

The meal will be polished off with a marrow bone from Hill & Szrok, known for its teeth cleaning properties and a 'Fresh Breath' herbal tea tonic to aid digestion.
在饭菜结束后,餐馆还提供Hill & Szrok公司的著名产品——一根具有牙齿清洁功能的骨头和一杯可以“清新口气”的草本保健茶,来帮助消化。

Human companions will be served an assortment of seven, raw whole food amuses-bouche and a variety of drinks as part of a set which features gazpacho raw soup, golden quinoa, coconut and mango salad as well as avocado, blueberry and chia cheesecake.

Served by waiters at one of the restaurants four bespoke doggy tables, any leftovers will be available to take home in a doggy bag.

All proceeds from event will be donated to Amazon CARES, a street dogs and cats charity in Iquitos, Peru where Ms Mason regularly volunteers.
所有的活动收入都将捐赠给秘鲁伊基托斯的流浪猫狗慈善机构Amazon CARES。梅森经常在那里进行志愿服务。

There will be two seatings each day (1 to 3pm and 3 to 5pm).


reishi: 灵芝

flaxseed: 亚麻仁

gluten-free: 无麸质的

canine: 狗的

tripe: (牛等的)肚(供食用)

consomme: 清炖肉汤

avocado: 鳄梨

bespoke: 定做的

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