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【首页】→ 【学习交流】→ 主题:只有和闺蜜旅行才能体验到的事 英文阅读
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只有和闺蜜旅行才能体验到的事 英文阅读
[匿名](2015/8/11 0:28:35)  点击:174713  回复:0  
1. Before you go you’ll discuss what you’re packing to see what you can share.

“I’ve got aftersun so you don’t need that. Do you think we can share deodorant?”

2. You probably booked the cheapest flight possible, so you have to be at the airport at 4am.

You’ll both look like crap, but it doesn’t matter because they’ve seen you looking worse.

3. You’ll fall asleep on each other on the plane.

Or one of you will fall asleep and start drooling, and then the other one will take a picture.

4. Because you’re best friends deciding what to do will be easy.

You’ll have sussed the perfect balance between sight-seeing and down time before you left.

5. Every new experience will be another photo opportunity.

But you’ll veto any unflattering ones before they go on social media, obviously you’ll make them your home screen instead.

6. Eating will of course be a major part of your trip.

And you’ll make sure to order strategically, It’s all about eating three meals between two so you can try as many local delicacies as possible.

7. Every trip to the local supermarket will result in a banquet.

If you’re on a budget 90% of meals will revolve around bread and cheese, and they will be delicious.

8. You will have at least one ice cream a day.


9. Sampling the local night life will be on the top of your list.

And probably quite a lot of the local wine, because culture, of course.

10. Almost as important as sampling the local drunk food.

There will be a point in the night where you’ll give each other the well rehearsed “need to go home now” look.

11. You’ll try to make some holiday friends together.

22 Things That Happen When You Go On Holiday With Your Best Friend

“I talked to the ones in the other place first, I’m going to pee and by the time I get back you’re going to be best friends with those people.”

12. You might even try and make some holiday-more-than-friends.

“OK you can have the fit one this time, but you OWE me.”

13. Though sometimes you regret being so friendly.

Because really nothing is as fun as just hanging out with your BFF.

14. You’ll listen to one song on repeat the whole holiday.

Maybe it will be a song they play in all the local bars, or the only CD that was in your rented car. Whatever it is there is always one song that will remind you of your holiday together.

15. You’ll have one stupid fight.

Probably because you just got off a seven hour bus, and you’re really jet lagged, and one of you will want a cake and the other will want a full meal and it will descend into bickering. But you’ll forget it hours later.

16. You’ll play some pretty weird games to pass all that time together.

You’ll go through every combination of your friends possible in would you rather.

17. You will have mastered the art of sleeping in the same bed.

Even if that involves ear plugs and a divider pillow.

18. If you had some modesty left with each other it will be gone by the end of the holiday.

And you’ll need them to put aftersun on the bit of your bum that escaped from your swimsuit.

19. You can take all the little disasters in your stride.

OK so no one wants an A&E visit on their holiday, but if it happens you’ll probably be able to turn it into funny story later.

20. You’ll talk every waking hour of your holiday, but not actually run out of things to say.

22 Things That Happen When You Go On Holiday With Your Best Friend

Even though you didn’t think it was possible, at the end of the holiday you’ll know even more about each other.

21. At least one solid in-joke will come out of your holiday.

22 Things That Happen When You Go On Holiday With Your Best Friend

It will get funnier every time you use it.

22. And you’ll definitely reminisce about your holiday for years to come.

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