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【首页】→ 【学习交流】→ 主题:炎炎夏日,冰淇淋要这样享用!(中英阅读)
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[匿名](2015/7/10 0:40:07)  点击:177602  回复:0  
On what was probably a blazing hot summer day during the Tang Dynasty, the emperor got a taste of what historians say was first form of ice cream.

The dessert was made by putting a yogurt-like dairy product into containers cooled with a mixture of ice, salt and water. Legend has it the emperor was so pleased with the cold confection he commanded 94 men to continue producing it so he could indulge whenever he wanted.

In the time since its creation, ice cream has journeyed around the world, taking on new smile-inducing flavors and toppings at each stop. And with Western ice cream parlors popping up all over China, many of those international flavors are just waiting to melt on your tongue. Some are fruity, some mix things up with unexpected combinations, and others are just downright weird.

If your sweet tooth favors more natural flavors, you’re in luck. Fruity ice cream is all the rage right now. International ice cream brand Diary Queen has brought dragon fruit and litchi together to create a new fruity ice cream available this summer.

Fruit flavors are a pretty safe bet, but what if you want something that can hit your taste buds with multiple flavors? Try a mixed delight. Chocolate and peppermint might not seem like they were meant to go together, but ice cream brand Baskin-Robbins has made it work this summer. The thick flavor of chocolate plus the fresh taste of peppermint creates a special treat.

McDonalds is also mixing things up, offering a dessert made of red bean ice cream swirled in a green bean cone.

If you’re really looking to push the flavor envelope, ice cream shops are also producing treats meant to make your taste buds pop.

Mustard ice cream and durian ice cream are available at chain restaurant Just Like It in Shanghai. Some brave eaters are flocking there to have a taste. And Baskin-Robbins is serving up ice cream with a marshmallow flavor.
上海Just Like It冰淇淋店现在还有芥末味与榴莲味的冰淇淋。一些勇敢的食客正在争先恐后地去品尝。此外,美国31冰淇淋还推出了一款棉花糖味的冰淇淋。

“People are open to new and less conventional ice cream flavors more than ever these days,” Sam Kopicko, a co-owner of Sweet Action Ice Cream, a Denver-based ice cream shop in the US, told CNN.
山姆•可比克在美国丹佛与人合伙经营一家名为“Sweet Action Ice Cream”的冰淇淋店,他在接受CNN采访时表示:“现在愿意尝试非传统新口味冰淇淋的人比以往都要多。”

With so many new flavors, no one can keep calm.

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