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【首页】→ 【学习交流】→ 主题:[生活英语]英国人最常说的50句谎话
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[匿名](2015/6/3 18:57:40)  点击:181438  回复:0  
   英国人素以“绅士风度”闻名,为了礼貌,英国人不得不把white lies挂在嘴边。最新研究证实,英国人平均每天要说谎四次!但是,我们从这些little lies中却可以学到不少短小精悍的地道口语表达。让我们一起跟着英国人学“吹牛”吧~






    1. I had no signal.
    2. I haven‘t got any cash on me.
    3. Nothing's wrong - I‘m fine.
    4. You look lovely.
    5. Nice to see you.
    6. I'll give you a ring.
    7. We‘re just good friends.
    8. We'll have to meet up soon.
    9. I‘m on my way.
    10. No, your bum doesn't look big in that.
    11. Sorry, I missed your call.
    12. I‘ll give up tomorrow.
    13. I'm not angry with you.
    14. The traffic was bad.
    15. I‘ve had this for ages.
    16. It wasn't that expensive.
    17. This will be my last pint.
    18. I didn‘t get your text.
    19. Of course I love you.
    20. Our server was down.
    21. I wasn't driving that fast.
    22. My alarm didn‘t go off.
    23. The cheque is in the post.
    24. You're looking well.
    25. I‘d love to see you again.
    26. My battery died.
    27. It's not you, it‘s me.
    28. The train was delayed.
    29. I only have a little flutter.
    30. I'm going to the gym tonight.
    31. I don‘t eat too much - I have a slow metabolism.
    32. My watch stopped.
    33. No, I'm afraid I haven‘t got a spare five minutes.
    34. I've got a call on the other line.
    35. I‘ll phone you back in a minute.
    36. I've got a terrible cold.
    37. This tastes delicious.
    38. I didn‘t have that much to drink.
    39. I've been in meetings all day.
    40. I stayed in and had a quiet one.
    41. It was THIS BIG.
    42. I‘m working late tonight.
    43. I bought the last one.
    44. I'm not ready for a relationship.
    45. It‘s just what I've always wanted.
    46. I‘m going to have one more for the road.
    47. I wrote your number down incorrectly.
    48. You look like you've lost weight.
    49. My car wouldn‘t start.
    50. I didn't realise you fancied him/ her too.

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