
2024/9/6 10:41:51  发表于103天前

What are some unwritten social rules everyone should know?


获得13k好评的回答@Jake Williams:

1.You get invited to a party, you bring booze, enough for yourself as minimum, preferably enough for yourself plus extra.


2.‘How are you?’ Should, in most cases, be answered in three words or fewer.


3.If someone asks “would anyone like the last slice?” that means they want it, and therefore you should refuse.


4.Owner of the car chooses the music and/or has the right to pick who chooses the music. Owner of the house chooses what setting the thermostat is set at. Etc etc.


5.“You should come around some time” is not necessarily an invitation.


6.When entering someone else's home, ask if they require you to remove your shoes.


7.Avoid presuming. If someone offers you ‘a drink’, it's not often ‘yeah, I'll have a glass of red’ is an acceptable answer.


8.If someone is telling a story, and it seems everyone is ignoring them, make eye contact and show extra interest.


9.If you invite someone to dinner, expressly state the arrangement of paying or be willing to pick up the cheque.


10.If a friend offers you ‘a bite’ of their burger it is not an opportunity to unhinge your jaw. Similarly ‘have one’, when referring to crisps, chips, sweets, is not an opportunity to have a handful.

10.如果朋友要分你 “一口”汉堡,这时不要张嘴就吃。同样,朋友分给你薯片、薯条、糖,让你吃 “一块”时,你也不要抓一把。

11.Avoid ‘nevermind’ing or ‘forget about it’ing people. If you don't want to say something, don't start saying it.


12.Just because someone refers to their friend, partner, or family member by a certain nickname, adjective, or term does not mean you're allowed to.


13.Strangers that are wearing headphones, reading a book, or eating are not to be spoken to unless there is an active shooter, fire, or bomb threat, and even then you should apologise before warning them.


14.If someone says ‘can I ask you something?’, ‘you should sit down’, or ‘can we talk?’, prepare for it to be serious.


获得16.7k好评的回答@Sid Kemp:

When invited out to dinner, and the host is paying, watch for what he or she orders. Order something the same price, or lower. The host’s chosen price is the indicator of what he or she can comfortably pay for everyone else.


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